Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Women Rank Rock Climbing as the Sexiest Sport

A study by a University of Hertfordshire professor suggests that women are especially attracted to men who rock climb.

Working with fitness expert Sam Murphy, Prof. Richard Wiseman polled over 6,000 people to find out which of 15 sports they thought would make a member of the opposite sex more attractive. Climbing topped the list for women with 57%, edging out extreme sports like soccer and hiking.

As an alumni of Prescott College I can attest that everyone knows 'dating a rack' is the fastest way to learn how to climb with access to top of the line gear. Climbing is just a sexy sport in and of itself. It’s adventurous, acrobatic, and takes place in some of the most beautiful spots in nature. Climbers themselves tend to be trim, muscular, extremely flexible people with a penchant for taking their shirts off. Who's not on board with that?

As for the most unsexy sport... Golf didn’t fare quite as well. The sport came in second to last in women’s opinions, just above aerobics. According to Aspiring Golfer, Wiseman suggests three reasons that women find golf so unattractive:

1. Golfers don’t have to be fit.
2. They keep their clothes on while playing.
3. They frequently wear plaid and Pringle jumpers.

As unsexy as these reasons are, I’m not convinced that super fit, scantily-clad golfers would be enough to make golf interesting, although it would probably boost the PGA Tour’s female audience. 

Whether we’ll now be seeing more golfers swapping their plaid pants for climbing harnesses is hard to say. To me, the sexiness of climbing is less about toned muscles and hard-core maneuvering and more about the passion and commitment behind the sport. If you’re not feeling it, it’s awfully hard to fake.

Always spicy,


PS - Did we mention we're having a 50% OFF sale?

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